Communique of the PSG 2018 AGSM
September 11, 2018
Guiding principles for immunization activities during the COVID-19 pandemic
May 9, 2020

WPD 2018Banner in Kumasi
“Annually 15 million babies are born preterm and the numbers are increasing. Of these, approximately 1 million died in 2015. Preterm complications are the leading cause of death among children under 5years of age and many survivors face a lifetime of disability including learning disabilities, visual and hearing problems.”
– World Health Organisation

Celebrants in Nsawam Govt Hospital

Paediatric Nurse giving a talk in the Winneba local market on prematurity

Celebrants in Techiman, BAR

37 Military Hospital “Purplised” for Premies.
Having a baby born too soon is a significant burden on families financially and psychosocially. No one is exempt and it could happen to anyone.
November 17th is marked yearly as the “World Prematurity Day”. It is to create awareness about the occurrence, challenges and other issues surrounding delivery of a preterm infant. But most importantly to provide hope and encouragement for the survival of the preterm infant.
This year we celebrated under the theme “Working Together: Partnering with Families in the Care of Small and Sick Newborns”.
It was an honour to heed the call!!!