The Economic Costs of a Malnourished Child who becomes a Mother
May 16, 2018
PSG Goes Purple for WPD
November 23, 2018We, the members of the Paediatric Society of Ghana at the end of our Annual General and Scientific Meeting (AGSM), held from the 21st to the 23rd of June, 2018 at the Crystal Rose Ambassador Hotel, Kumasi on the theme: “Nutritional and Lifestyle Choices in Childhood and Adolescence” wish to state the following:
- That, adequate and healthy food choices at an early age are essential for the optimum growth and development of every child in Ghana for a healthier and more productive adult population.
- That, the Society recognizes the need for all stakeholders to reinforce existing public health interventions including increasing the uptake of exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life for all newborns; introducing appropriate complementary feeds including micronutrients supplementation and periodic deworming; to ensure optimum health for all children in Ghana.
- That, it is important to ensure that all children in Ghana are motivated to engage in appropriate play activities for at least 60 minutes daily, with active participation by parents and caregivers.
- That, the Society recognizes the ill effects of prolonged screen time on the physical and mental health of children and encourages stakeholders especially parents and school teachers, to ensure that children spend limited time watching television or other electronic gadgets such as phones and tablets at home and in school depending on the age of the children.
- That adolescents are vulnerable and easily influenced by peers as they find their identity. This period can be very confusing for them. Indeed, they are naturally at risk of picking up addictive behaviours and practices including substance misuse and abuse.
- That, the Society will therefore, collaborate with other stakeholders in curbing the recent challenge of substance misuse such as tramadol addiction among adolescents including advocacy for prevention, and rehabilitation of persons already affected by this growing menace, especially among our students.
Issued by:-
Dr Mame Yaa Nyarko
President, PSG

AGSM 2018 Group Photo of Members