January 7, 2016
Challenges to Newborn Care In Ghana: Newborn with Jaundice
June 21, 2016
Every year, 24th March is set aside to mark World TB DAY. The theme for this year is ‘UNITE TO END TB’
In 2015, 730 children (5%) were diagnosed with TB out of 14,460 cases reported to the National TB Control Program in Ghana. This is far below the expected estimate of 10-15% of total TB numbers by the World Health Organization. There are therefore more children with tuberculosis in the communities than are currently reported by our hospitals. Every hour 5 people get TB and 1 person dies of Tuberculosis.
In support of the drive to increase awareness and therefore case detection rate, the Paediatric Society of Ghana, with support from STOPTB Partnership, Ghana Medical Association, and National TB control Programme is launching a ludo game to help create awareness about the disease in the communities. Ludo, a very common game is played and enjoyed by Ghanaians irrespective of age, sex, religion, ethnicity or political affiliation.
The game is played in the traditional way by 4 individuals. One does not need to play ‘6’ on the dice before one starts to count. Any random number played is counted starting from the ‘home’ of the individual. Before the first dice is cast, the individual must speak aloud the KEY message in the home area such as ‘HIV and TB are PARTNERS’, ‘DON’T REJECT PEOPLE WITH TB’ etc. As one counts forward, the information on each segment should be read out loud to the hearing of ALL players. Each counter or crown must complete the rounds and exit before a new counter is started. The cycle is repeated till enough knowledge is gained by each participants. There are no kick off in this game
There are plans to adapt this game to similar common games in Ghana such as ‘Oware’, ‘snakes and ladder’, and draught (dummy). It will also be translated into many local languages with time to serve the bigger rural communities.
Even though the game can be enjoyed by all, the main target groups are children and adolescents in schools and in the communities.
By: Dr Anthony Enimil
National Childhood TB Focal person
Lecturer-KNUST/Senior Paediatrician-KATH
President, Ashanti Chapter Paediatric Society of Ghana